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Installation and removal

Configuration requise

AdGuard VPN can only be installed on devices with Microsoft Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/Vista SP2 (web-based only).

Installation de AdGuard VPN pour Windows

To install AdGuard VPN for Windows, visit our website and click the Download button. Après cela, adguardVPNInstaller.exe sera téléchargé. Exécutez le programme d'installation et suivez ses instructions. Le processus durera moins d'une minute.

Then you will need to check the box to accept the terms of the EULA and the Privacy policy. Et dans la dernière étape de l'installation, vous serez invité à vous autoriser via votre compte AdGuard ou via les réseaux sociaux (Google, Apple, Facebook).

Désinstallation de AdGuard VPN pour Windows

If you decide to remove AdGuard VPN from your computer, use one of three options listed below:

  • Click Start and find AdGuard VPN in the opened list. Right-click it and select Uninstall.
  • Click StartSettingsAppsApps and features. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, click it and choose Uninstall.
  • Open the Control Panel, then click ProgramsPrograms and FeaturesUninstall or change a program. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, right-click it and select Uninstall.

Advanced uninstallation

In case regular uninstall doesn't work for any reason, you can try to use an advanced method. First of all, you need to download the uninstaller tool created by our developers. Extract the archive to any folder on your PC, run the Adguard.UninstallUtility.exe file, and allow the app to make changes to your device. Then follow the instruction below:

  1. Select AdGuard VPN and Standard uninstall type, then click Uninstall:

    Standard uninstall *border

  2. Click OK once the warning window pops up:

    Standard uninstall warning *border

  3. Wait until uninstall is finished — there will be a phrase Uninstall complete and a prompt to restart your computer:

    Uninstall finished *border


    Follow the next steps only if performing the first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of the advanced uninstall instructions.

  4. Select AdGuard VPN and Extended uninstall type, then click Uninstall. Click Yes, continue in the window prompt:

    Extended uninstall *border

  5. Click OK once the warning window pops up:

    Extended uninstall warning *border

  6. Wait until uninstall is finished — there will be a phrase Uninstall complete and a prompt to restart your computer:

    Uninstall finished *border

AdGuard VPN is successfully uninstalled!